Privacy Policies

I warrant to have read and accept these Terms and Conditions, as mentioned in this agreement, without any alteration in judgment. By registering with the company to avail our services, you irrevocably accept all the obligations stipulated in these terms of use and agree to abide by them. Accessing the platform through any medium is also subjected to these terms of use. These terms of use supersede all previous oral and written terms and conditions (if any) communicated to you.

In order to have an online or e-consult or tele consult with a doctor or healthcare professional, you must agree to existing Terms and Conditions; capture and store personal data such as medical history, symptoms, medicine details, allergies along with your Name, Age, Gender or any information provided as part of a video, telephone and online consult session

You absolve professionals and the company from any responsibility or liability whatsoever, for their services offered through the website, for any medical, legal or financial events or outcomes related to services attained by me through the use of medical second opinion (also referred at Diagno as ''online doctor consultation'' or ''online doctor consult'' or "medical consultations" or "medical consults" or "health queries" or "queries" or "video consultations" or "video consults" or "phone consults" or "phone queries" or "phone consultations" or "video queries" or "direct query to a doctor" or "follow-up query" or "free query" or "paid query" or "common query" or "consultation" or "appointment"). I also understand and use the website accepting that it is being provided on an as is basis.

Information or advice provided through tele, e-consult or video consultation by doctor should be used merely as an indicative guide rather than a definitive recommendation to adopt any specific action or treatment.

You fully acknowledge and accept the limitations associated with e- consultations- in-person legal advice or onsite and extensive investigations. During online or e-consults, the physician or medical professional may not have access to your full medical history, therefore any advice or treatment options are offered basis the information provided by you. Therefore, Diagno shall not be responsible for any liability of injury, death, misdiagnosis, interpretation or perception error, wrongful judgement and efficacy of absence of it of the suggestive treatment action; under no circumstances or condition.

The information shared by you may further be used to improve suggestions based on your consultations, for analysis, research, training to third party or government authorities.

Diagno reserves the right to modify or terminate any portion of the website or this arrangement of services offered by the company for any reason, without notice and without liability to you or any third party.